Home > Power of Attorney, Guardianship & Advance Health Directives

Power of Attorney, Guardianship
& Advance Health Directives

Preparing in advance for potential future situations where you might lose the ability to make decisions is crucial.


Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA), Enduring Power of Guardianship (EPG) and an Advance Health Directive (AHD) serve as important tools for such circumstances.

What is an Enduring Power of Attorney?

Single - Partners

  • With an EPA, you can appoint up to two people to handle your financial matters, either immediately or if you are incapacitated.

What is an Enduring Power of Guardianship?

Single - Partners
  • An EPG allows you to appoint a person to make personal and healthcare decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so (e.g. where you live, the support services received and medical treatments.

What is an Advance Health Directive?

Single - Partners
  • An AHD reflects an individual's values and wishes for future care, detailing treatments consented to, refused, or withdrawn under defined situations.

By creating these legal documents, you can ensure that your affairs are managed according to your wishes, even if you are no longer able to express them yourself.